Volumetric or Ready Mix
What’s The Difference?
Concrete is, without a doubt, one of the most common construction materials. This is because it can be used for a wide variety of projects. It is essentially a blend of water, Portland cement, and aggregates. The two basic types of concrete used in the construction industry are site-mixed concrete and ready-mix concrete.
There are slight differences between these two types of concrete. It is important to be aware of the differences, even if they seem subtle to you, as doing so can make it easier to choose the right concrete for your project. Here are the major differences between site-mixed and ready-mix concrete:
One of the obvious differences between these two types of concrete is the way they are mixed. Ready-mix concrete is usually manufactured at a plant and delivered to the clients in a ready-to-use state. It’s typically sold by volume, which is measured in cubic meters.
Site-mixed concrete, on the other hand, is prepared at the client’s construction location. The components are mixed in specific ratios to achieve different degrees of strength. When making this type of concrete, caution must be taken to avoid quality issues.
If you are working on a time-conscious project, it’s obvious that speed is important. In such a case, you should choose ready-mix concrete, as it’s easier to load and off-load, which may save you time.
Volumetric concrete is more time consuming to work with, as you have to pause part of the project while the mix is being created.
An important factor for any construction project is your equipment and where you can source what you need. Volumetric concrete requires the use of equipment such as batch mixers. Whereas, ready-mix concrete does not require the project owner to hire equipment, as the concrete is not made on-site.
Ready-mix concrete is convenient for almost any kind of construction project, as it can be delivered to multiple sites within the project location. However, volumetric concrete has to be mixed as close as possible to the point of use to avoid contamination.
Another major difference between ready-mix concrete and volumetric concrete is storage requirements. You will require controlled storage space for the materials used to make volumetric concrete. However, when using ready-mix concrete you won’t need any extra storage space.
Ready-mix concrete has a better and more consistent quality when compared to site-mixed concrete. This is because ready-mix concrete is mixed in an automated and controlled environment.
Material takeoff
The materials used to make site-mixed concrete have to be estimated individually and purchased separately. However, ready-mix concrete is simply calculated as a single item.
Working with site-mixed concrete causes material loss not only when the materials are being mixed but also during storage. Whereas, ready-mix concrete causes minimal waste on your site because the concrete is delivered in a ready-to-use state.
When working with ready-mix concrete, the only time you may require skilled labour is when pouring and compacting the concrete. However, you will require more man-hours when working with volumetric concrete.
In summary,
Both types of concrete have some major differences. It is important to research which type of concrete is best for your construction project. Generally, ready-mix concrete is a better option as it can be used for a wider variety of projects.
if you have any questions make sure to contact us.
The post Volumetric or Ready Mix first appeared on Base Concrete.
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